All my life (69 years of it next week) I have been discovering new places, but I'm not sure any have impacted me quite like Shetland. This summer will be our third visit. My husband photographs birds and I hike along with him. We find ourselves staying longer each time and I've asked myself what is it that we love so much. I think your words have captured it perfectly. We'll never be able to live in Shetland, but I carry it with me when we leave. It's a magical place.

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Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts. May your coming year be filled with joy.


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Your words have kept my dream of Shetland alive. I have long since concluded that this one last bucket list item will likely not happen. It’s pretty simple, I just can’t afford it. But one day I might figure it out. As a spinner and knitter, professionally, I keep it on the someday horizon. In my heart I can see it all unfolding. Thanks for that, Misa!!

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What freedom! Owning oneself and one's thoughts is such a gift! Embrace you, being you!

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Beautifully written. I can fully recognise myself and my own relationship with the north coast of Ireland in this. Wishing you a great year ahead 🌊

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This is wonderful. Thank you. I too was pondering on ‘belonging’ and the deep & diverse feelings that that encapsulates. Your post feels quite synchronistic.

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Such a beautiful post Misa 💕. Your words truly inspired me—they felt like a gentle nudge toward bravery. As someone who often feels like an outsider, living in a foreign country and constantly being asked where I’m visiting from, it gives me so much hope that one day I will feel rooted and like I truly belong.

Each season that passes, I find myself growing more connected to Yorkshire. Moving to another country has been one of the most challenging and transformative experiences of my life. It has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the quiet courage to keep showing up, even when I don’t yet feel fully at home.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reminding me that belonging is something that grows, season by season

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